Category Archives: Publication

Apiculture of China

“Apiculture of China” (中国蜂业) is a journal published jointly by Institute of Apicultural Research, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, and  Apicultural Science Association of China (ASAC). It is under the auspices of  Ministry of Agriculture of the People’s Republic of China.

The journal publishes articles dealing both beekeeping technology and honey bee biology.  Its Chinese Number (CN) and International Standard Serial Numbers (ISSN) are 11-5358/S, and 0412-4367, respectively.

The journal was founded in 1934 and is distributed nationally and internationally. Currently the journal is published three times per month, on the 10th day of each month. One issue per month contains is designated as “Academic Edition” which contains research oriented papers. It is one of the Core Journals of Chinese Agriculture and is in the list of Chinese journals that are “economically and socially effective”. It is indexed by Chinese Academic Journal Comprehensive Evaluation Database (CAJCED) and the National Knowledge Infrastructure (NKI) Database.

The journal provides titles and abstracts in English for academic articles.

Address: Editing office, Apicuture of China, Wofo Temple, Xiangshan,  Beijing 100093, China.

Phone: +86- 10-52485782
DongYu Zhao (Academic Edition Editor)

E-mail: (E-mail for academic articles)

Sample issue of March 10, 2012.

Source (in Chinese):

Translated by Zachary Huang, MSU