Category Archives: Photo blog

Winter flower: Eurya spp

科 五列木科 Pentaphylacaceae
属 柃属Eurya


ZBAS 9 (东方蜜蜂)

Osmanthus fragrans is an evergreen shrub or small tree. It is 1.2 to 3 meters high. It grows in subtropical regions and blooms from September to October. Osmanthus fragrans is from the family Oleaceae. Eurya, also known as osmanthus fragrans and wild osmanthus fragrans, is a genus of genus Araliaceae (Camelliaceae still used in China), an evergreen shrub, generally half to one person tall. There are more than 80 types in China, mainly in the Yangtze River Basin and hilly mountains in the south of the provinces. In Hunan and Jiangxi, they are widely distributed. I have photographed wild osmanthus in Hunan and Zhejiang. It usually blooms from January to February. In winter (10-1), the alder tree blooming is called osmanthus, and the flowering in late winter and early spring (around February) is called osmanthus. The flowering period of Alder is 10-14 days, and the best honey-producing temperature is 14-20 ° C. Therefore, the average honeybee can produce commercial honey, but the western honeybee is more difficult. On November 18, 2008, Zhang Tieniu, a primary school student, took me to see the blossoms of Tochigi and photographed a few bees. Then on November 23 in Qiandao Lake, Zhejiang, Mr. Su Songkun showed me. The last time, 2011.10.1, in Fuzhou, Mr. Miao Xiaoqing took me, Yang Wenchao, and Kuang Haigu to a middle bee house, and saw bees picking flowers like alder (photos finally found!). I heard that wild sweet-scented osmanthus honey is very fragrant, very hard to get. I once found it in the store and it was fermented. So I haven’t tasted the honey of Osmanthus fragrans.

1. Eurya acuminata。Osmanthus fragrans, this is a male flower, the male flower is large, has pollen, and the anther is yellow. It is estimated that it is Eurya acuminata.

2.The bee is collecting honey on the male flower.

3. Western bee picking male flowers (Zhejiang, looks like the same species as the alder in Hunan above)。

4. This is a female flower. You can see the pink stigma that is bifid (occasionally trifid). Both flowers have a lot of nectar.

5. The middle bee collects female flowers.

6. Chinese bee in flight.

7. The bee picks female flowers.

8 Zhong Bee was photographed on October 1, 2011. This is dense alum, not alder. It is a pity that there are few bees photographed. A lot of blurry.

9. Huahua itself is also beautiful.