Author Archives: Zachary Huang

Apricot Flowers

科 蔷薇科 Rosaceae
属: 李属 Prunus
亚属: 李亚属 Prunus
种 P. armeniaca

Apricot flowers and plum flowers are almost the same. Both flowers are beautiful and the fruit is edible. Unlike cherry blossoms, although they are more beautiful than cherry blossoms, they have no fruit. In terms of fruits, apricots are better than plums, at least in the United States. These two are not very important fruits in the United States (there are no plums in English, they are called Plum, a word for plums!), I have not seen the woods of these two trees in the United States. There are many species in China, and in ancient times there were many saints Mokers writing poems for Xinghua (see below).

On May 1, 2012, I went to Jilin Bee Institute. Director Xue and Dr. Li took me to shoot flowers.

2. There are still many bees, seemingly more than peach blossoms.

4. 天蓝太阳暖, 粉花蜜蜂飞。


5. 不学梅欺雪,轻红照碧池。


6. 杨柳迷离晓雾中,杏花雾落五更钟。


7. 杏花未肯无情思,何事行人最断肠。


8. 一段好春藏不住,粉墙斜露杏花梢。


9. 绿杨烟外晓寒轻,红杏枝头春意闹。


10。 It’s almost like fishing. It’s always better to have friends with you in photography. Director Xue Yunbo took his 60,000-dollar cannon, and it smelled like a mosquito, because the bee was a little bigger than the mosquito.

11. Dr. Zhiyong Li has the same camera as me (maybe a D800 higher than my D700), lens and flash (flash seems to be mine)。