Monthly Archives: January 2013

Journal of Bee

“The Journal of Bee” (蜜蜂杂志)was founded in 1981。 Published monthly, it is one of the most welcome journals published inside China.

Its Chinese Number (CN) and International Standard Serial Numbers (ISSN) are 53-1061/S, and 1003-9139, respectively.

The journal provides indispensable information for professional and hobbyist beekeepers, apitherapists, consumers of honey bee products, beekeeping entrepreneurs, beekeeping managers, and honey bee scientists.

Main contents include: Research reports, honey bee management, development and use of honey bee products, apitherapy, honey plants and pollination, disease and pest control, breeding, Apis cerana, beekeeping tools, bee related laws, discussion forum, ethno-apiculture and news related to beekeeping.

The journal can be subscribed nationally at any Post Office. Post office number: 64-45.

Tel: 0871-5737836
Fax: 0871-5737214

Address: Editing office of “Journal of Bee”, 68D Beicheng, Kunming, Yunan 650224, China.


Translated by Zachary Huang, MSU


Current Contents:

Sample issue: