Monthly Archives: December 2012

ABRC moderators

ABRC calling for volunteers for chairs, judges and projectionists.

Chairs are responsible to announce each speaker and make sure each speaker finishes in time.

Projectionists are responsible to load the presentations, start each ppt on the computer, and make sure the projector/computer run smoothly. No special skills required.

Judges are needed during student competition time (11:15 pm to 1:15, Jan 10, Four talks), each will use a standard form to score points for each student. Must be present during all competitors.

Thank you.

Day 1 (Jan 10, 2013) Session Chair Projectionist
Session 1 8:30-10:45 Zachary Huang
Session 2 11:00 – 12  Jennifer Tsuruda
Session 3 13:00 – 14:30
Session 4 14:25-16:15  Michael E. Wilson


Day 2 (Jan 11, 2013) Session Chair Projectionist
Session 5 9:00-10:15  Brian Eitzer Zachary Huang
Session 6 10:30 – 12:00 Jennifer Tsuruda
Session 7 13:00 – 14:30


Judges for Student Competition



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