Monthly Archives: December 2012

ABRC Program

ABRC (American Bee Research Conference) will be jointly held with ABF (American Bee Federation) in Hershey, PA, January 10-11, 2013.

Registration fee for the ABRC is $125. Registration fee will be collected at the door (Magnolia A-D, Hershey Lodge) before the meeting on Jan 9 (Wednesday) from 5 pm to 8 pm and on Jan 10 (Thursday) from 6:30 am to 8:30 am. Please remember to bring checks or cash for the payment. Checks should be made to AAPA.

You do not need to register for ABF if you are registering with ABRC.

ABRC is organized by the AAPA (American Association of Professional Apiculturists).

Please reserve your accommodation at Hershey Lodge, Hershey, PA (Direct Phone: 717-533-3311) if you are planning to attend the American Bee Research Conference (ABRC). The group rate for lodging will be honored only until December 17. So please reserve your rooms asap. Please ask for ABF (American Bee Federation) group rate when you reserve your room. The group rate is $119 plus tax.

Link to ABRC Program

Link to ABF General Program

ABRC still needs volunteer to chair sessions and help with computer projections. Please visit sign up here and simply leave a comment there with your name and time slot. Thank you.


Zachary Huang and Sagili Ramesh

Vice President and President, AAPA