Monthly Archives: November 2012

Broad Museum Opens at MSU

So yesterday (Saturday, Nov 10, 2012), I sat through the Michigan Beekeepers Association Board Meeting, which ended around 1 pm. I did a bit of office work, then walked to the spanking new Museum.
It just got open, with some music inside a tent and some free food!

The museum is named in honor of MSU alumnus Eli Broad and his wife, Edythe, who donated $28 million for the museum. The total fundraising goal for the building was $40 million, which is now $1.2 million from the goal.

(in case you wonder about photo quality, I used my cell phone to shoot these).

1. The building is designed by Zaha Hadid. Funky and different.

2. Music is being played inside a clear tent. It was cloudy yesterday.

3. I was drawn by a new art project: the Gift.

4. Portraits are being taken, free of charge and later (in Dec), you can come back and receive a photo print, not your own, but someone else’s!

5. Another angle for the project. if you go there today, you might see me :)

6. The lady was there taking photos. Too bad, they used a Canon :)

7. Of course, being being shot, you sign a waiver…and you have to be over 18.

8. Selling T-shirts, books etc. I bought one at $15. My first support for the museum.

9. Free coffee, hot chocolate, salsa with shrimp (and corn!), and some nice chocolate covered pudding…

10. People lined up outside, they all had name tags…I remember seeing an email asking for registration if you wanna see the dedication ceremony.

11. I guess I would have to wait till Sunday!

12. some journalists were gathering together…they just finished a group photo, which I missed to sneak one of.


The Broad MSU:

Located: 547 East Circle Drive.

Admission: free.

Museum hours: Saturday and Sunday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Tuesday through Thursday from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Friday from noon to 9 p.m.; closed Monday.

For more information, visit